Sunday, May 6, 2007

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters

Rating: Rated R for crude and sexual humor, violent images and language.

Who's in it: Um, no know one you'd know, but if you're interested, check out the page: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters

Who Directed it: The guys who directed the series.

Plot: Um, there isn't one. Really. This the best movie I've ever seen that doesn't have a plot. There's kind of a convoluted plot involving the origin of the main characters (Fry, Shake and Meatwad...yes those are their names, yes that is what they are), but, it is SO completely convoluted, confusing, and, honestly, meant to confuse the crap out of you and not make any sense what so ever, it's just easier to say that it doesn't have a plot...'cus it really doesn't.

Moral teaching: Um...uh..., don't, ... don't drink a white substance which your "friend" hands you and tells you it's milk........when it's really mayonnaise? Or, uh, don't... don't let that guy who is a robot chicken (no, not like the series) and claims he's the ghost of Christmas past (no, this movie has nothing to do with Christmas) start telling a story because he won't ever stop. Or, uh, um,... don't ever, ever, under any circumstances, listen to a talking shake. But, honestly, probably, but best moral teaching this movie has to offer, it "Don't watch this movie." 'Cus this movie is about as a-moral as they come.

Content: Well, it is animated, so, it's not as bad as other live action movies where they feature full frontal tooth brushing (ex: Stranger than Fiction). But, it IS offensive. "Crude sexual humor": check, offensive language including F-words: check. Violent images including but not limited to a persons entire muscle structure being ripped out: check. (Don't see this movie).

Rollerskates: I can't, in good conscience, give this movie above a 3 out of 5 Rollerskates. I really want to, since I'm a big fan of the serious. This movie held true to the series plot devices and ridiculous, random and funny duologue, etc. It gets a good solid 4.5 out of 5 Skates for content.

(ps: the best part of this movie isn't even in the movie, but the very odd, weird, awesome opening explaining what not to do. Which is interesting because one of the things it says not to do is record the movie from the movie theater,...which is what this video is)

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