Friday, June 1, 2007

The Fountain

Rated PG-13 for some intense sequences of violent action, some sensuality and language. (edited for re-rating; originally R)

Who's in it:
Hugh Jackman (The Prestige, X-Men: The Last Stand, Kate & Leopold),
Rachel Weisz (Constantine, About a Boy, The Mummy Returns , Enemy at the Gates)

Who Directed it:
(and wrote:) Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Below)

Fountain takes place between three different times and settings, the past in Spain, the present in some American city (not important) and the future? in some kind of star/nebula/snow globe. The movie tries to tie the Genesis story of the tree of life and reincarnation, and argues that when we die, we go to a dieing star wrapped with a nebula and are born again once the star dies. Hugh Jackman's character plays three different characters (or the same?). He spends most of his screen time, however, playing an ingenious brain sergieon trying to cure cancer because his wife, played by Rachel Weisz, has it.

Moral teaching:
It's okay to die, its what happens, don't worry about it. Because when you die, you'll be reincarnated first into a tree, and then, once the star dies, you'll be born again...somewhere. Also, Hugh Jackman's character spends a lot of his time trying to cure cancer for his dieing wife instead of spending, time with her. This, I think, is the real moral of this story. That we can get so wrapped up in something and ignore those we deeply care about. Because, in a sense, we are all dieing, we will all die someday, so, when we ignore those we love, we are ignoring the dieing. (kind of morbid huh?)

There is some blood, daggers, torture, etc... but none if too bad. Also, a bit of sensuality, they are married after all. But no nudity (though one scene comes quite close), but the one scene of sensuality is drawn out.

Uh, man, seriously, I didn't like it. It was too weird to enjoy, though the visuals were amazing. 2 Rollerskates out of 5, and 1 out of 5 for content.