Sunday, April 22, 2007

Blades of Glory

Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual humor, language, a comic violent image and some drug references.

Who's in it:
I just saw Blades of Glory and, honestly, not that impressed. It was funny don't get me wrong. It was good to see Jon Heder, (Napoleon Dynamite) Will Ferrell (duh) Will Arnet (Arrested Development, Let's go to Prison) and Amy Poehler (Saturday Night Live) and Jenna Fischer (The Office) in a movie together. All were good and funny. Also, Luke Wilson has a good cameo as a Christian sex addict counselor.


But, seriously, it wasn't as good as I was hoping. The whole basis for the comedy in the movie was making the audience uncomfortable with the two leads (Header and Ferrell) being way too close to each other while skating. It makes "sense" in the movie because of the plot, which is both Header and Ferrell were banned from Olympic competition skating, but through a loop hole they both agree to skate together in a different division: pairs. The reason this wasn't such a good thing, in my opinion, was simply making fun of gays. Not them specifically, but in somewhat of a round about way.

Also, I was disappointed with the amount of sexual content. There was a scene in which Will Ferrell, who not only plays a professional skater, but also a sex addict, grabs Jenna Fischer's breasts for a prolonged period. The movie does make a point in addressing his struggle and at the end he realizes this fault, but I also think "they" (the writers and others who made the movie) make fun of addictions to sex a bit too much.

Moral teaching:
As far as any point or moral to this movie goes, I guess I would have to say that sometimes your biggest enemy can be your strongest friend if you get over your B.S. But, honestly, I think this movie was just a reason to see Jon Header and Will Ferrell in spandex with their faces close to each other's crotches.

I'll give Blades of Glory 3.5 Rolleskates out of 5 for movie quality, and 2 out of 5 for offensive content. I'd say this is a rental if you're a hard core Ferrell fan.

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